Saturday, January 24, 2015

Recent Adventures

Life in Doha has been an interesting beast for the last couple of months with all the holiday travels and end of term shenaniguns (yes, they do call it term here, and yes we are split into four houses, sadly no I don't work at hogwarts). Over winter break I was able to make it home to Ohio and spend time with the entire family. The day after Christmas Micah moved to Florida and I gave him a hand so at 5:30 in the morning He and I jumped in the biggest truck we could get without a special license and embarked on the 14 hour journey to Jacksonville. Once we got him unloaded and the rest of his family got there I boarded a plane for yet another adventure to Arizona. While I was there I got to spend some much needed time with friends there. If there is anything I've missed about being abroad its spending time with those I love and it did my heart a lot of good. After 9 flights and over 10,000 miles of travel my winter break came to an end and I settled back into Doha.

At the moment it looks like the next big step for me will start with a couple weeks in Hungary studying at the Kodaly Institute in Budapest. Kodaly is a music methodology that I have been learning and studying about since my student teaching and I'm really excited about the possibility to study at the Institute. I'm trying to figure out just how much I can do there that will count towards my masters degree at Capitol and there is a small chance I might not be able to do it. But I do hope it will all come together.

Here are a few pictures from Christmas with the Doyel Family.

The Doyel Clan

Hey Audrey! I love this girl so much I can barely stand it.
When she waves and it melts my heart.

Here she is admiring the Christmas tree.

I wanted to finish this post up by saying thank you to everyone who has been praying for me. Life has been pretty intense since I left Prescott last year. Most, if not all, of you who read this love and pray for me so much its is truly humbling. Thank you all for your prayers, and please keep them coming. God is doing some crazy things in my life right now, and you're prayers are being answered daily. God is providing me ample opportunity to grow, and in a lot of ways I have. But I still have a long way to go. If you pray for me please pray that He will give me wisdom in the coming weeks as I try to plan where I will be this summer. Also I need prayer for continued growth and healing in this season of life. Thank you all for your love. It means a great deal to me. sometime I'd love to hear from you :)